Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brown Bag Lunch: Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Decalogue 1

The Office of Student Life – Multicultural Programs presents
Brown Bag Lunch Film & Discussion Series

Krzysztof Kieślowski

No Other Gods:
Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Decalogue 1
Film & Discussion Series

Thursday, February 28th @ 11:30 a.m.
Shenandoah Room in the Mountainlair
Presented by: Lisa DiBartolomeo
Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages

Synopsis: This short film, directed by the late Polish auteur Kieslowski, is part of a ten film series loosely based on the Ten Commandments, exploring the influence of these funda-
mental tenets in our lives today. Decalogue 1 focuses on rzysztof, a rational, scientific man, and his relationship with his gifted young son. But does Krzysztof’s emphasis on the purely rational perhaps provoke divine intervention, forever changing his family’s life? The film is at once philosophically provocative and hanutingly beautiful; please join us for what is sure to be a stimulating discussion.

Please plan on attending this informative and thought-provoking presentation.
Pizza will be provided first-come, first-served.

For more information please call 304-293-7029, ext. 133 or

1 comment:

samraat said...
